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....is this a "game"? I guess that's up for debate, but I see this more as a tracker.

I've been playing this since day 1 expecting very little. It blowed pretty hard until recently (I'm writing this as of January of 2024, and it's had multiple refined updates since its launch).

Before the big updates, I had to rest my phone on an ice pack wrapped in a towel. Yeah. It was that bad. I dont know why, but I still wanted to keep going. I guess I was holding out for it to fix itself (which it did, since I no longer have to use an ice pack. I made sure to gently pester the developers of this game about the heating + crashing problem)

Honestly I like how simple this game is. I dont have to be "the best" at anything, I just need five little guys with me to help track my sleep. That's it. I will say the rewards for leveling up suck pretty badly, and you'll want to be saving up all your Pokemon biscuits as much as you possibly can (which is really hard when you need to record and befriend Pokemon to progress to new "sleeping areas"....)

Anyway, I think its a cute way to track sleep. That's all it really is. Its not very deep or complex, and I only need to open the app 3 times a day. It's relieving to have a game not pester you constantly to keep it open and keep playing, so I like how lax it is.

Also for some reason I get an insane amount of shinies. I've gotten about 6 so far and I have no idea why. I've never gotten a shiny in all the years I've played Pokemon so I suspect they raised the shiny rate to attract players? maybe? It's cool but strange.