A pretty good installment in the Fire Emblem franchise. Worth playing.

For one, I really love the look of this game; it's got this faded sepia color tone to it that gives it a little more character than FE6 & FE7. It feels more ancient, if that makes sense. Like you're taking part in an old story.

The story is good enough, I think. It was unique to me that the story splits off into two separate experiences (essentially an "easy" and "hard" mode), that eventually converge in the end of the game. You get to recruit different units in each route, so you won't be able to collect all of them in one run. Its fun and challenging to build different teams though!


I think the story between Eirika and Ephraim and their childhood friend being the villain of the story made for a REALLY interesting tale! ...I just wish maybe there could've been more growth between them all throughout the story.... I feel like they didn't change much, or their arcs could've been a little stronger. It definitely tugs at your heartstrings in some parts, but I would've loved more depth to it. Just a bit more.


This game improves the leveling up slightly by introducing the "Tower of Valni" which is a place to level grind, but goodness its very slow. It takes ages to level up your units, but I suppose some kind of help with the leveling up is better than none. The past two GBA games definitely suffered in that aspect, and it was much harder to cap your units to level 20.

I think this is a good game to try out. It starts out in the middle of some action, so it has an exciting beginning to get you hooked on the story.

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2024
