Lots to say about this one. It is always difficult to explain your thoughts on a game that is tied to something real, especially about an event like this one in particular that was such a tragedy. In general, I think these kind of games should be described and analyzed purely as games even if they are about a real event.

That said, I think it is very important that games like these exist, they provide a good vessel to share a story to people who may not be familiar with it. Also, presentation wise, many aspects of the game are accurate. The posters you see are real ones, the radio broadcasts are real. The photos and videos you see are real.

Gameplay wise it is a cheap Telltale game format with not much actual impactful decision making. This format works fine for a lower budget game. But where it fails is just the story itself? The characters aren't particular enganging and if it wasent about a real event the drama would be pretty standard. It doesn't help that on Switch it's a pretty ugly looking game. Low textures and framerates and the game chuggs during some of the big moments.

I don't dislike the game, but I think it could have been a lot more than what it ended up being. I think it's experiencing at least once though.

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2024
