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This is my go to recommendation for budget games and for players that want something cheap. It's always about 2-3 dollars and very much worth every cent.

This is an Xcom type turn based game, and it blends a mix of the Wild West with supernatural elements. There are multiple campaigns, with unique characters and gimmicks. One of them is a gold hunter as you embark with your team, one is a woman on the run, one is about a father and son trying to make the most out of a bad situation. This is all juxtaposed with a narrator (Death) pushing you along each step.

The game is broken up into 2 sections, you have the overworld which lets you visit locations, buy items, recruit characters, and customize your loadouts. You will be given decisions in certain areas that can influence the story, upcoming battles, and what items you get. There are sometimes skill checks and necessary items needed to progress.

Customization lets you equip 2 weapons, 2 items and then cards with unique abilities that either increase stats or give you some unique or special move to use during combat.

The presentation for the overworld is pretty barren, but it's sufficient and clearly designed. And it's a good break from the combat as well. There's a fine balance here between the two.

The actual combat is pretty good. The guns all feel useful in some way. There's a LOT of them too. Some have tons of ammo, some are long range, some are like shotguns, etc. The objectives of the maps can vary, like needing to get to an area on the map and wait, clear out all the enemies, or rescue characters. But usually this will always involve getting into shootouts.

You can duck behind cover, against windows, behind boxes, and this is really important for enemy phases because the cover acts as sort of a shield to hopefully make the enemy miss. It's very RNG dependent if you land a hit or not, but you have many tools and unique attacks to guarantee hits if it isn't 100% accurate. It's a fair system. Missing a lot lowers their luck stat, which means they will eventually get hit even if you missed before. And getting hit then increases their luck.

Presentation wise the game does well. The sound and the kick of the guns is meaty and impactful. There is weight behind the combat. I really enjoy the blend between the western and supernatural aspects of the game. It's quite unique.

Some minor gripes: the camera can be a little annoying to use during combat. Some battles can be a bit unfair also with line of sight, some trial and error. Some go on for way too long.

Otherwise, I really enjoy this title and I think this needs to be on your radar if you want a cheap game with a lot of content. This ticks off all those boxes.

This is a pretty interesting title. I didn't know it was a remake until it was mentioned in the credits.

It's a very basic walking simulator. There's a small handful of items needed for progression, and the rest are just optional notes and collectables that can slightly change the ending.

I think the general ambience of the game is pretty well captured. You are a lone individual in this barren wasteland. Empty, broken buildings, no signs of life. Notes scattered haphazardly. The sounds of nature and the ost in the background occupy most of the noise. You get a sense there is history here and that not much remains. Yet you later hear the sirens anyways and are forced to flee underground.

It's a pretty topical message considering what's going on in the world right now. I think that does help elevate the game and make it more impactful. You feel it more at the end and it just kinda clicks.

It suffers from a lot of issues that add up to a bit of a frustrating experience. This is a title that's very short by design but really elongated to make it feel like it isn't.
You walk slow, your run is not much faster. And your first time through you really don't know what you're doing because every area on the map is initially locked. You need keys, items, you need to push certain items to break them. I think this is really poor game design: if it is a short title you need to just embrace it. Don't make the player wander around like a doofus and bloat it as a band aid solution.

Visually there's some issues. Lots of pop in and fuzzy textures. I think there are bugs for lighting as well. In very dark areas you need your lighter and flashlight but the amount of light it covers when you turn them on is inconsistent. You have to toggle them on and off for it to work.

One thing I want to say as well is I believe to get a good ending you have to not only collect everything but also not be outside too much? You have to stay in the shadows. Now that I've finished the game I sorta understand why. But again, your first time through, how are you suppose to know this? You have to read into these notes very figuratively to come to that conclusion. It reminded me of Blair Witch which told you to not even play the game or interact with anything to get the good ending.

Overall, not a bad game at all, and I do feel like it was worth experiencing. It has a lot of issues that need ironing out though.

I have so many mixed feelings about this simple game. It feels very hastily made, it's stiff and a little wonky to control. Theres no real motif or theme here other than it being psychedelic.

And yet I finished it anyways because I enjoyed it? Maybe it's the music or something. It's not a great game but it holds your attention.

For 50 cents I think you can do way worse.