This game is amazing and I will die on this hill. I have never understood the hate for this game because it does exactly what it advertised.

Gameplay wise the controls are so fun and easy to use. Rolling around, dodging attacks, the melee combat feels crunchy and super satisfying especially with Jake.

It has an absurd amount of content. So many game modes, and the campaigns are all a decent length. PLUS, all of the modes have co-op.

This game fixes the problem re5 had which is that it was a fun multiplayer game but a terrible single player game. Now it is much more even. You'll enjoy yourself if you play or solo or with a friend. granted you can't share items anymore or do a lot of co-op stuff. But they still keep things interesting by having each character go through different sections or getting seperated.

The presentation here is immaculate. The setting and monsters are so graphic and intense. And all of the animations are excellent from the cutscenes to the melee takedowns.

This isn't a perfect game, and it has tons of issues. All of the stories are nonsense. And Ada's is pretty bad. On repeat playthroughs the puzzles can get annoying. There are sections with Jake and Sherry that are also annoying.

But every RE game is silly. That's part of the charm. This game leans into it and makes the most out of it!

It is just such a blast start to finish. I've sunk so many hours into this and I will continue to do so in the future. One of the most overhated games of all time

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2024
