Fun game! I just need to talk to whoever thought it was a great idea to lock saving behind the sleeping mechanic on Survival difficulty.

To put into perspective why this is an abhorrent design decision made by absolute fucking dumbasses who couldn't tie their shoes, even under the threat of gunpoint, you have to consider:

- This is a Bethesda game. Halfway through the tutorial on this most recent playthrough, my game crashed. Imagine being halfway across the map and you haven't saved in a while. While this sort of thing is true for any game that withholds saving like this, it simply isn't acceptable when the scope of your game is so large that these sort of technical hiccups are more inevitable than anything else.
- The combat mechanics and scenarios were evidently not built around this. To give a lesser example, the warehouse you have to clear to get to Diamond City requires a significant amount of cheesing if you want to see it through, and this is only expedited and compounded when you step outside and have to deal with multiple snipers. To give the most textbook example of this, one of the very first quests in Fallout 4 has you dealing with a Deathclaw. This Deathclaw only gets spongier with each progressive difficulty option, and by the time you've turned Survival on, can easily one-shot you. Given that you have to fight a litany of raiders before this encounter begins, you already start the fight with reduced resources. Unless you chose to pick off the remaining raiders with the laser musket the game hands you before you decide to pick up the minigun, good luck running around the second you have to reload that minigun. The only way this fight is even remotely fair is if you cheese it by going back inside the building you came out of, running back up to its roof, and "stealth killing" it from the roof while it runs around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to find you. The big issue with this approach is that it drains you of your ammo for the minigun, seeing as there's no real chance that you're getting a clean shot on that thing while it's moving around. Seeing as you'll probably need that minigun if you want to have a fair fight in places like the aforementioned warehouse, this is less than optimal. Once again, this is one of the first quests in the game. It would hardly surprise me if they didn't test this thing, that's how poorly thought out this is.
- One of the enemy types in this is a mole rat that will suicide bomb you. If you're lucky and have enough distance from one, this isn't a problem. But if even a single one of those things surprises you, you better start hoping your last save was recent.
- If you're playing on PC, none of this is an issue! Just install a mod that allows you to customize the rules to whatever you're comfortable with. If you're playing on a console, in particular anything PlayStation-related, you're shit out of luck.

What I love about Survival difficulties in games like these is that they force you to engage with the minutiae of the game's world. Having to actually scout for empty bottles so you can pour water into them is far more compelling than using what would be that water for boring, barely noticeable stat bonuses on regular difficulties. In this regard, Fallout 4's survival mode adds a nice layer to an already pretty fun game. But good lord, unless you're in a situation where you can circumvent the baffling decision to restrict saving in this way, I can't recommend it. Unless you're already halfway through the game, it makes the game nearly unplayable, and I'm not mincing my words here. It's genuinely that bad.

Reviewed on May 19, 2024


12 days ago

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