While first booting up the game an FPS with South Park characters built on the Turok engine seems promising, but soon enough you'll find out that it's basically just moving room to room fighting mobs of the same enemies over and over again.

By the end of the first set of stages you'll have killed the same turkeys so many times, listened to the same tiresome stock sounding music and have heard the same voicelines from the characters over and over again to the point that you'll feel the brain cells literally leaking from your ears.

This game only gets one star, because the control is nice and that's about all the good I have to say about it, aside from the humor also being on-brand for the early seasons of the show(aka tiresome and hard to go back to).

Reviewed on Sep 27, 2021


one of those games i kept trying to like as a kid but it never got any better lol
On the one hand I would love at another stab at this, a South Park FPS playing as one of the quartets is too good of a riff and idea to pass up on.

On the other, utilizing modern South Park for a video game
Holy shit this was on the Turok engine lmao????

1 year ago

Same dev! Incredibly

1 year ago

I swear I remember reading somewhere that the N64 version of this game is the only version where you can piss on the snowballs. Never understood why that is.

1 year ago

Goddamn, it's hilarious when one of y'all find one of my old reviews. "Shit, who did I piss off with my South Park review?"

@CURSE It's so damn boring, and it's a shame because the weapons are about as creative as the ones from Turok. Like there's a chicken gun where you just shoot eggs at people like a semi-auto rifle complete with them ba-gawking, but that's like the peak of this game aside from maybe using the cow launcher on your friends in the dull multiplayer.

@mobilespider I'm convinced the PS1 version is a myth, I have never seen a copy of that version in real life. Me and my elementary school friends ever knew the N64 version lmao.

1 year ago

Had vivid memories of seeing a friend play this game on the N64 while I was at the babysitter's place and only remembering snowballs covered in piss.