Tekken 1 is a whack game to play, especially as someone who grew up playing Tekken 2 instead of this one.

Whether low poly ages well as it's own artstyle I think generally has mixed opinions, but even with my love of it some of the models here are just comedic to look at. Why did Jack skip leg day? I know he's a robot, and he generally has always had short legs but here it looks even more preposterous. Prototype Jack is some freak constructicon that wouldn't look out of place next to the toys Sid made in Toy Story, and Kuma looks like a giant zombie sloth that wandered off some prototype of Resident Evil that Capcom had laying around. Then of course there's the CG movies which have been turned into meme material, like the guy orgasming over the cash that Yoshimitsu throws all over the village and the Kaz smile to the camera.

What does actually suck about the game is how barebones the Playstation port was, which means that unless you have a buddy over you're forced to only fight this game's horrible CPU in arcade mode. And of course to unlock Heihachi you had to never lose during your arcade run. Fuck off. Shit was painful even with only one round. It's a fucking precursor to the pain in unlocking Shenlong in Bloody Roar 2. Hate that shit.

The game is fine, but it's best left as a historical piece for the series. Play Tekken 2 instead, it has 95% of the amazing music this game has so there's no actual reason to play it unless you're a massive fan of the Venezia theme.

Reviewed on May 09, 2022


2 years ago

I absolutely love how hideous this game is. Early 3D was grotesque and I ate it up.

2 years ago

Yeah, I enjoy early 3D too I just really dunno what they were thinking with Kuma's model or using that portrait of Law for the select screen. lol.