It's 3 AM, it's been a really rough night for Captain Falcon, he is so mad! Why is Captain Falcon so mad?! I'll tell ya why he's mad, and it's because this game wasn't the final chapter of F-Zero GX story mode, that's why he mad.

Whoosh zoom, there I go. Pew pew BOOM, there you go. GOT YOU!!

Eat my goddamn dust ya wireframe wimps! See ya on the flip side...

slips sunglasses on and drives off

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2023


1 year ago

fond memory of playing this nearly 20 years ago and then later playing some other indie game that had ripped the music from it. track tt1, I think? absolute tune

1 year ago

The music seriously had no right going that crazy, was ready to go full insane-o with that and popping off at 10,000 km speed.