I played this shit a few times many years ago, never knew what the fuck it even was

I used to play this a lot, it was honestly a really fun game

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I really love this game, it's great in both single and multiplayer

However, my one drawback is that, in my playthrough using the secret character Scorpion, I've found some bosses to be far more difficult because of his lack of a typical projectile

I love a lot of the songs in the game (both loving songs because of the game and playing the game because of the songs)

Sadly, I have a less than perfect experience with the game due to not owning any of the special controllers. Outside of this, I still enjoy the game

I love the game's concept, and how vastly different the community made characters are

On one hand, I can beat the shit out of John Cena as Goku, and, on the other hand, I've got Venom mopping the floor with me

This game was a lot of what I've played since I was a kid, however, it can get pretty dull once you've completed most of the content

I despise a lot of the bosses because of difficulty
But five stars because I get to play as Venom

Probably my favorite mobile game, would be better if certain costumes were added and features were changed