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Sonic Mania Plus is peak Sonic. The level design is superb, with numerous paths to explore, making each playthrough unique and exciting. The replayability is off the charts, and the vibrant, interactive world keeps me coming back for more.

The addition of Encore Mode only enhances the experience, solidifying this as the best Sonic game of all time. It captures the essence of classic Sonic while introducing fresh, engaging elements. For any Sonic fan, this is an absolute must-play.

Sonic Heroes was a big part of my childhood, and I still have a blast revisiting it. The level design is great, offering a mix of speed and platforming that kept me engaged after school for hours.

While it might not be the best Sonic game out there, it holds a special place in my heart. I'd definitely introduce this to my future kids, as it's a fun and nostalgic experience that's worth sharing.

Crash of the Titans is a completely different Crash game, where you can mount monsters. It’s fun for the first hour or so, but then it just plays the same way for the rest of the game. The challenges are either way too easy or just full-on frustrating, making it hard to stay engaged.

There are some fun moments, but they can’t outweigh the bad. It feels more suited for children, as they might find the repetitive gameplay more enjoyable. For me, it was a letdown compared to the classic Crash games.