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This game was one of my favorites as a kid. I love Star Wars and as a kid I really loved legos and even had a few lego star wars sets, so when i saw this game at Big Lots(Yes that store sells games, im not sure if they still do but i remember getting games from there whenever it wasn't pre owned gamestop games) I knew i wanted it. When i got it, I loved it so much. Playing throughout the prequel and original trilogy was so much fun and I loved freeplay and just playing as different characters throughout the movies was so cool. I loved playing as yoda because i just liked the way he would run around with his lightsaber and the noise he would make when he died, it was so FUNNY i loved it. I loved the cantina being the hub world and loved listening to the band. The comedy in this game is so funny i fucking love it. This game is just so fun, it reminds me so much of my childhood.