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1 day

Last played

May 26, 2022

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It's tough for me to really judge how I feel about a game like this so far removed from the timeframe that it released. That being said, it's certainly impressive how much FFIII had going on. A large sprawling world map to explore in your airship, the first iteration of the job system, and tons of optional hidden content. This is also the 3D remake of the original game and no doubt a lot of QoL was implemented and things were improved or changed, but it is still a little rough around the edges.

The game can be a little obtuse at times, but you do get some direction either from talking to townspeople or a main character mentioning what your next goal should be. This being the first implementation of it, I found you also don't often have to interact with the job system. There are a couple of times where a thief or a dragoon is necessary (or ideal) to progress, but for the most part I picked the jobs I liked and used them through the whole game. It seems optimal to do so too unless you want to grind, as the higher the job level, the better off you are.

Regardless, it was still pretty cool to see where FFXIV pulled a lot of its inspiration from. The crystal tower, doga/unei, the cloud/world of darkness, and even some of the music; speaking of which, its a pretty good soundtrack that didn't get too tiring after 20 or so hours.

All in all, FFIII is a solid package that I could definitely recommend if you're curious about the roots of the franchise - just prepared for nothing too mind-blowing by today's standards.