49 Reviews liked by Videogamer72

there is no other game quite like crazy taxi 3. it is the peak of driving games which it is a natural extension of. if sega does not rerelease this game by 2025 we are going to have some problems.

This was AWESOME! definitely the best one so far! And full voice acting this time!

Everything that makes Warioware, Warioware in a single place. An instant classic thats infinetly replayable. No matter how memorized those microgames are in your head theres always wiggle room to perfection.

I'll keep playing this from time to time but, wow, this is my favourite game in the series still even on replay. After I was introduced to the series with Touched on DS, WarioWare Gold is still everything I think of when I think of WarioWare. Very fun to pick up and play. And the full voice acting, even for Wario, is a nice treat!

I love this game's energy, its stupid and weird, but thats what I want from a game like this, I want a fast paced wacky game with a weird sense of humour that will keep me happy and entertained, with additional contents that are not even DLC (what a shock!), yeah overall this is a fun game.

I have so much respect for this game. Nintendo rolled out what might be its greatest ensemble cast so unceremoniously. they pull up in every sequel and it just works

I recently traded for a GBA SP + this game, and I have so many fond memories with it…love how addicting it is and just how likable every character is

This game is truly a masterpiece.

Unbelievably peak. The peakest peak there is to peak. One may even call it....Funky.



Too ambitious for its time and was cut from the original Crash Bandicoot but finally able to be realized in its remake. Best level in the game and a lot of fun despite playing VERY differently from the rest of the game

This level is EVIL in the best way possible. Everyone needs to play it at least once.