So this was the first game I played on my freshly modded DSi XL, and I think I started on the right foot. And see, I've played Super Star Ultra before, and I was aware that Spring Breeze is basically just this game but in HD with modern mechanics. However, I guess I assumed that they were going to be map-for-map the same. Now I'm just wondering why the developers for KSS/KSSU trimmed the maps down so much, because that combined with the modern movement/ability mechanics makes Spring Breeze ridiculously easy.

Anyway, I had an interesting time with this one. I knew the game was going to be more difficult than other Kirby games due to its controls/hardware. It was interesting, though, because I was able to make it all the way through the first stage without taking any damage, and then got my shit rocked by Kabula and Kracko in the later stages. Kirby moves REALLY slow here, and you can't run, so I think that added to my troubles.

And because it was an old game, I was convinced that the game was going to be really brutal with dying in the same way that other old games are, where if you get a game over, you get booted to the title screen and you have to play from the beginning. So once I noticed I was running low on lives, I started making save states often, because although I was having fun, I didn't have the time (or really the desire) to play again from the beginning if I died.

Now picture this: it's the last stage, and in lieu of long platforming challenges, you get these mini rooms that each end with one of the previous bosses. And you get no health during or in between. I had 0 lives left and a full bar of health. As I make my way through the chambers, my health slowly whittles down to one, as I continue making save states, to make sure I don't lose more health than I need to. Against all odds, I beat Kabula with only 1HP. And then I realize I have to do a damageless run with Dedede. And of course, I die during my first try. I go to load my save state aaand... I save over my save state. Just as I received the final blow. I was devastated, knowing I was so close, but now had to start from the very beginning. I knew I wasn't going to do that, however, at least not today. And being met with the game over screen, I decided to hit 'continue' just to see what would happen. And poof! I'm back in the chamber, pre-Dedede, with all the bosses beat. Four lives, full health. This WHOLE time. I could've played normally had I just let myself get a game over. But, I guess that's on me, right? It was more exhilarating to try and do damageless runs though.

And seriously, why did they make Spring Breeze so stupidly easy?

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2024
