Ib + Witch’s house + dash of Madoka Magica. Puzzles are decently engaging. Amazing atmosphere. Spooky. Excited for their new game coming out!
Half a star off for those moments where I had to sit through dialogue/cut scenes when I died. ( and those were the sections where you’re expected/very likely to die with no prior knowledge of the area)

Why are actors such wawa babies. Some masterpieces were made that are forever gone

Minus two dollars just so it has an excuse to show up on the summer sale page? This... is awesome!

You see these type of “spot the difference” games dont work when sasuga unreal engine farts out visual and audio glitches onto my screen. “Has this room always been this bright? Has the rolling trolley always been silent?” Well these are going to be the most subtle anomalies you’ll come across, and they’re not even intentional. Also thanks for a ‘game over screen’ that is functionally identical to just failing the loop?
Idk, it’s not as bad as my review makes it out to be, but I cant type without sounding mad after playing an unreal engine game.
P.S. the unreal engine info’s source is that i made it the fuck up

Wow this child protagonist acting awfully like a wawa baby and I don't know man I think I wanna shove him into a locker or something

bro the last third of game is all walkthrough material

I would give it 5 stars but I remember there was a period when my monkey was refusing to eat anything even though it was starving so I was panicking and started beating the shit out of it whenever it would throw away the food I'd give it. Pretty scarring for a kid.

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My fucking house

man I wanted to a play a turn based rpg not a platformer

Wait a second you just tricked me into playing work simulator the game again

imagine a practice level but for game developing
this game feels like that

yeah i don't like this 'temporary discover your surroundings that has no hallmarks' game mechanic

Wow so many characters with unique abilities, but what if I make a #fuckcartman squad instead

team building exercise, but also good and a video game.
You can try before you buy by playing the first game (it's free on steam). Like my review on that one when you backlogg it.
These series are on perma steam sale and definitely not worth the full 10$ for individual game.

Random spooky game locations stitched together by fadeout screens