Rhythm Thief is a weird little game that's rough around the edges (read: it took me like two years to 100% it because of those damn gyroscope puzzles) but is really, really dumb in a fun way, maybe even fun in a dumb way. This is the most fun you'll ever have from a game featuring a dog named Fondue. Unfortunately, it leans more story-heavy than one would anticipate from a rhythm game interpretation of the Professor Layton formula, and it sold maybe 30 copies total so we'll never really get to put the water back in that Napoleon LARPer's loo :(

conservative estimate

Games that rewire your entire brain and make you experience new emotions. I replayed this while I was sick and I had a fever and the ending made me cry so much that my fever broke. 11/10

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What the fuck. Holy shit.

Alright, so, first off: the marketing tagline that this is standalone from AI1 is...true in a technical sense, but this is so character-driven that I really do think there's aspects to this that won't work without prior knowledge and experience with the cast. I also don't think you can really appreciate just how much of a step-up from the first game this is on almost every level without it, and I say this as someone who regularly ranks AI1 in their top 10 favorite games. The Somnia are better-crafted, more personalized, and varied, the music is excellent as always, the character models are ironed out and emote so fluidly, and the plot. Holy shit, the plot. It's essentially a victory lap for Uchikoshi Game Enjoyers - I called a few of the twists ahead of time, but I found that that made me more engaged because, in typical Uchi fashion, I had no way of anticipating how everything would really fit together in the end. It's a game about love and hate and how, even if we do find that everything is fake, the love will always be real. Just a sublime game. Holy shit. He was forced to play 999

If suda51 fell asleep on his keyboard after taking dayquil I think this is what would come out and I do mean that in the most complimentary and flattering way possible