I really wanted to love this game. Visually, the game is very appealing; the art is fantastic. And the idea of a Metroidvania being mashed up with a bullet hell shooter sounds so good on paper.

Unfortunately, the game is hampered by terrible checkpoint placement and a card system that makes battles tougher than they should be because you’re never quite sure which special attacks are mapped to which buttons without looking at the icons in the bottom right-hand corner, which obviously doesn’t work too well when you’re trying to avoid a sea of bullets.

Perhaps I would’ve stuck with the game if there was an option to lower the difficulty, but such a thing doesn’t exist, which is a shame.

Reviewed on May 10, 2023


11 months ago

Still want to play this but a shame you didn't enjoy it, I'll go in with low expectations

11 months ago

@mettenem Yeah, I think that’s the right call. I hope you enjoy it more than I did. And perhaps one day I’ll revisit it, but with Zelda coming out, I just didn’t see myself going back to it in the near future.