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The farming & life sim aspect of a Stardew Valley mixed with the unique world and characters of Eastward makes this the perfect DLC for me since I love both of those things.

It starts a bit slow with only a few things to do, at least until you unlock a few more tools, machines and areas. Once it reaches its flow and you’re taking care of your crops and animals, fishing, mining, cooking and growing your community, the game gets hard to put down. Story wise it didn't grab my attention the same way the base game did but that wasn't really a dealbreaker since it's mostly there to progress the farming and community.

The DLC has a few problems going from some QOL to it crashing a few times throughout my playthrough, mostly when using the fasttravel system or during the fishing game, and I'm currently experiencing a bug where certain NPC's don't show up locking me out of 100% completion (need one more crop, two friends and a few recipes and I'm assuming they're all related). But besides those things I'm impressed with this DLC especially at its price point!

Edit: the bug with the NPC not showing up is fixed so now I have that sweet 100% completion

I don't think there has ever been a game that made me as frustrated as Cuphead but at the same time made me come back for more over and over. Boss battles often tipped their toes into annoying/frustrating territory without ever feeling unfair (no matter how many times I yelled "This is some unfair bs"). It's the type of game that I would think about all the time and when I wasn't playing it, I was craving to fight the next boss. I do wish there was something more to do between said bosses, but that's more of a personal preference and I'm not sure if it would've made the game better in the end.

Great game that overflows with care and passion from the devs but made me a bit too frustrated at times to truly love it.

For a moment it felt like Spirit Tracks was an improvement on Phantom Hourglass but then it just kept going downhill. Traversal with the train feels better than the boat but it's still boring, slow, and takes forever to get somewhere. The returning dungeon isn't as bad as the temple of the sea king but it is probably one of my least favorite Zelda dungeons. The worst thing Spirit Tracks does is not knowing when to end. It just keeps going and going. And don't get me started on the parts with the flute!

Spirit Tracks has the same charm as Phantom Hourglass but the gimmicky gameplay (why is every single action tied to the touchscreen???) just isn't fun to play with and I'm glad that it's only those two games that are like this.