When I picked up Hades in late June of 2020, I was worried that I wouldn't really be able to sink my teeth into it. Four months later, I have almost 200 hours in the game. Supergiant Games really perfected the roguelike gameplay loop here. Like many roguelikes, every run, you get a plethora of resources that will help you become stronger and unlock new skills and trinkets. However, what takes Hades a step beyond that is the way it integrates narrative into the experience. Dying is rarely frustrating because each death allows you to spend more time in your home, the House of Hades, where you can interact with the many affable characters who live there and build relationships with them. There's a metric ton of dialogue in this game, to the point where you'll still be seeing new lines even after beating the game dozens of times. The way the lategame and postgame is handled is also excellent, allowing the player to gradually increase the difficulty to the level they desire in exchange for special rewards that will make their weapons even stronger. The sheer amount of weapon, upgrade, and talent combinations allows for an enormous variety in builds, nearly all of which are incredible. There are very few things in the game that are actually weak - even the stuff that isn't universally good is at least situationally good with certain builds. That, more than anything, is why I keep coming back to Hades time and time again.

Reviewed on Oct 12, 2020
