14 reviews liked by VitalVile

Different people rate games with different criteria in mind, and my personal one is "how well does a game do what it sets out to do?"

You do, indeed, have a really good time chilling through europe in a truck. It does the one thing it sets out to do extremely well and I've already sunk way more hours into it than I should.

Muv luv alternative could actually be the greatest VN of all time and it still wouldn’t be worth reading this

there can’t be a single person alive who read this whole game and seriously thought it deserved a 9/10 on vndb

A fantastic ROMhack that starts fumbling the bag by the time the purely original content is with how bloated the level curve becomes and their insistence on using HM moves making it feel like a handicap

Oh nah they made a school for muv luv fans 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹


I really love basicly everything about this game, from its visuals to its writing to its weird music and more than anything to the very novel concept, but I think this is a game I ended up ruining for myself: the way the game is setup with 22 endings and a neatly placed ending counter under your save files makes it inviting to try to get as many as possible, but the game's slowburn story and gameloop feels incompatible with this sort of completionist drive to get as much as you can.
You're probably not really meant to play the game like that, it might be a thing of just inviting replayability over time. But admitedly I got burnt out very quick after a few playthroughs and reloads, specially given the many variables and small decisions that affect the final outcome of the story that make aiming for specific results sort of tedious.
Overall though, I think what this game tries to do is incredibly unique and it's an experience worth having. If you're the kind of person to just get an ending or two in a game like this and leave it at that you're probably going to enjoy it a lot. My dumbass that tried to 100% and tapped out at 10 endings isn't representative of how most people would approach a game like this, but I ultimately rate games based on my own subjective experience with them.