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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 27, 2023

First played

May 23, 2023

Platforms Played


This game sure does hold up. It’s such a fantastic sequel to Arkham Asylum despite lacking some of the unique atmosphere and environmental storytelling that made that game so special. This is a game that has no pretensions about itself and it excels in every way that an action game of this caliber should. The combat system is fluid and satisfying, the boss fights are incredibly varied (a considerable improvement over the repetitive bosses from Arkham Asylum) as well as very enjoyable, the open world level design is consistently strong and the visual style is gorgeously captivating, the side missions are quality pieces of content that are given just as much care as the main missions, the tonal consistency remains intact just as the characterization remains flawless. The story here is great too and the way in which it’s told is still remarkable to this day. The way every villain has time to shine, the way they all contribute to the game in some meaningful way or another, the way they all allow the overall plot to move forward while never once feeling incoherent or messy, never once dragging, never once bringing the pacing of the game to a screeching halt. It’s absolutely masterful writing. Experiencing this story unfold across a gurthy 15 hour campaign (30 hours depending on how much side content you participate in) where we really get a deep sense of this world, as well as these characters within it is incredibly engrossing, while the beautifully understated ending is perfectly put together and it hasn’t lost an ounce of its power or emotional resonance. Arkham City is a game that I’ve loved for so many years and replaying it after so long has only enriched my love for it. It’s one of the fastest selling games of all time for a damn good reason and it remains an unassailable masterpiece within the gaming industry.