5 Reviews liked by VnmDAkumetsu

Slow at the start, give a lot of satisfaction with time... And a good team.
I love this game but still wait for the cross save, i don't want to lose all the achievement i got on ps.

4 kiwi out of 5!



Clearly heavily inspired by Ghost in the Shell but surprised to find a really good game. It's a bit clunky and takes a minute to get used to but once you do, it just clicks and I had a ton of fun.

Giving this a super low rating because it's basically pay to win.

Such a shame too cause the game itself is actually pretty fun, I really like everything about it and would love to really play it more but the problem is the game is terribly unbalanced. Unbalanced how? Well, the locked mechs or characters or whatever are really fucking OP, so basically, if you spend money and buy a better mech you'll be able to win. Straight up game killer.

Also fuck off with the battle passes man I hate this trend.

I demand to know who playtested all these mid/late-eighties shmups. Nobody? The world’s sickest and most depraved person? How could you try ALESTE, which has great fundamentals, and think, “yeah, its an awesome idea to just completely fuck the player over if they die even once. I love how annoying and impossible that makes it. Ship it!”

It makes sense in an arcade money-making context, like with Gradius, but in a console game? Just let me keep my dang power ups!