When you've consistently played a game for many years, it's hard to admit the game is bad. I think players associate the game more with the toxicity rather than the gameplay.

The game have a gigantic champion pool which give us variety of comps, because of this fact matches will feel very unique from one another. The game is really deep, in the way that champions have different skill ceilings, but also the fact that alot of game knowledge plays a factor. I think skill is measured in more towards cognitive abilites > mechanical abilities. If you know how matchups work, synergies with different champions and posess other necessary macros then you will be very successful on this game (skill/ranked wise of course).

One can argue this game is that good, that it makes players rage when their teammates make mistakes. If this game was really bad and worthless, one wouldn't care about losing a match and flaming others wouldn't deem necessary. Addiction plays a huge factor of course, where reaching a high rank is the end goal for most players. My main criticism for this game (at least for ranked) is how the MMR system gets calculated, the climb is very slow, therefor IMO the MVP from the losing team should get some sort of compensation on defeats. Changing this may motivate people to try their best untill the end, also making the climb faster (bigger LP loss/gain) may also make people less addicted. One match uses all from 15-45 minutes (plus champ select, loading screen, queue times) which means losing these games feel terrible.

At the end of the day losing matches feel terrible, because the gameplay is in fact THAT great and rewarding. League of Legends have dominated the Esports scene for many years, and the crazy part is that the game is still growing. This game will make you addicted, which is something to be cautious of. Though I think this game is a good game I still wouldn't recommend it


Really nostalgic, everyone who played this game have the green HC sofa engraved in their memory