I usually don't publish reviews in this site but since there's literally nobody else willing to do so, I thought my insights would be somewhat useful to whoever would be interested on checking out this atrocity.

That being said, I'm no gaming expert, and my confidence drops even farther on the GBA department (even though this is my favorite videogame platform). What I meant by that is: I'm particularly fond to this game's era, environment and most of all, the graphics; those being delightful to watch and even giving me lowkey feelings that by controlling Edward, I was using a legend. I don't know, his walking animation is just something else to me entirely, I really enjoyed exploring cities with him, the music being really cool helped too.

But those are all the compliments I can name. This game was really, really boring to play; the perfect sample why I dislike random encounters. I made a 100% playthrough and I can say with no hint of doubt this was NOT fun. I think the worst were the moments where I just got stuck dropping cards unceasingly until I got the one I needed - trust me, this game makes you do that a lot - eventually piled up and my motivation to keep going kept dropping more than the cards.

The story is stupid, the gameplay is full of luck based things and made me constantly think of how pointless most of things I was doing were and worst of all: my beloved FMA cast was "dumbified", getting nothing more than gimmicky quotes WHEN they were being faithful to their original versions. As a FMA direheart fan, I'm far from satisfied and if I weren't a fan, it'd be even worse.

Reviewed on Aug 24, 2021
