pretty solid gameplay but it's really dumb that a game that's so insistent that you should "play your way" punishes you for using like half of your options. you get a worse ending for using a pretty huge chunk of the abilities you have and that is quite dumb. to be clear, i don't mind the idea of alternate endings, but if you're gonna literally label one of them as the "correct" one and if you're gonna market your game as one that gives you a lot of choices i'm gonna be annoyed.
With that said there is a lot to like here. The level design is actually quite good. The areas all have a really tangible sense of being real places and the game does a good job of providing a lot of ways to accomplish your goals. The really key thing here is that it does this by letting you do things that make logical sense given the areas you're in rather than just giving you multiple rigid routes with little room for creative play.
It's a shame that stealth loses a lot of its tension by how powerful your combat powers are but it hardly ruins the game
It's worth playing if it interests you but do yourself a favor and ignore the part where the game tells you killing bad and just play in the way you enjoy instead.
Or, y'know, play deus ex, because a lot of stuff this game does well is stuff deus ex did first.

Reviewed on Mar 18, 2023


1 year ago

You can still kill a lot of people and get the good ending as long as you go a pacifist route on your main target and as long as you dont massacre the whole level, i killed a lot of soldiers and i still got the good ending.
Besides its fun to do both, a run without killing is also fun as it makes you look for alternative methods but the most fun is going all in and styling on the enemies with the combat system.

1 year ago

sure but if i want to go through every level and kill everyone i come across i should be able to if the game is marketing itself as a game where you "play your way". i don't even have an issue with having a different ending if you kill people, i just dislike that it basically labels them as "good" and "bad". it discourages you from "playing your way". you have some flexibility so it's not as damaging as it could be but i think it's still an issue.

I agree with the thing about it encouraging you to do both but I think a better way to accomplish this would be to limit the number of runes the player can obtain by a bit more and have more stealth-focused powers. It's a lot more interesting to sneak around if you're actually going to die if you're caught, so make it so stealth-focused players actually have to commit to playing that way. The chaos system kind of attempts this but it's a lot less tense when you're literally protecting the enemies from yourself by sneaking instead of sneaking because it could kill you if you're caught.
Yeah, it is weird you play as an assassin and you get punished for assassinating evil people.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

You are able to kill everyone, the outcome will get more depressing and grim and it makes sense. I get that you dont like the more aggressive route leading to a darker outcome but thats how it is, apparently it influences Emily personality to be more ruthless as a ruler. Thats it mostly, everything else is because of the plague, you dont really get punished for killing evil people, the world gets darker and worse because the rats feed on the corpses and that makes things worse.
Actually this was done way better than Dishonored 2, at least here killing people equals worse world makes much more sense than in the sequel.
But i still dont think its that much of a problem anyway.