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You can't translate JoJo fights into any genre but, perhaps, point and click adventures. Making an RPG from the anime where most of the time fights are resolved without a single punch thrown in seems like a bad idea.
However, I want to commend those delelopers on trying. It's a shame that in the process of figuring out how to translate battle system of JoJo they forgot about making everything else enjoyable.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for SNES is a wild retelling of Part 3 of the iconic anime and manga series that's enjoyable only to make fun of. It's extremely linear, it trunkates a lot of the story, and yet somehow it has some of the weirdest systems put into an RPG.

It's hard to describe this game because everything is just off, not even for a fan of JoJo, but for a reasonable human being. Should I start at how the game takes place in a stretched out tiny window where you can only see character's heads on a 2D sidescrolling plain? Or that battles have random effects based on characters' mood and picking a tarot card seemingly presented to you by a villain?

Perhaps the weirdest choice of this game, to me, is that it features no free levelling until the very end of the game. While you do battle some goons in some locations, they are of limited quantity, so you can't even make tedious boss battles with iconic villains less frustrating.

SNES' JoJo stands as possibly the most misguided cash grab in the history of video game adaptations, providing worse story, adding nothing of value, and even managing to not figure out how an RPG should flow.

I'd rate it lower, but it's so baffling that it kinda should be experienced at least in part?