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Let's get the bad things out of the way: it's an ugly fucking game that's released when rogue-like games are pretty much everywhere.

Despite this, it's a very good game that you can get sucked into for hours. After a while its artstyle which looks like someone ate and vomited Wolfenstein 3D starts to feel cozy and the gameplay thankfully doesn't feel worse because of it.

It's effectively just a boomshoot with generated levels where you can find hundreds of weapons and upgrade yourself by collecting treasure and perfecting levels. What makes its formula work is that various modifiers on weapons make the game feel so different that it feels like it has as many synergies as Binding of Isaac.

Due to its procgen nature the game can be a little unfair, and not in a fun way, but it's ultimately nothing compared to dozens of hours I've put into it. I only wish the levels felt a bit more different, as sometimes they run together even with different tilesets.