Not a bad game by any means, but it feels a little disjointed at times. While RE7 had its issues with the final act, it felt like a more cohesive experience.

Village tries to put more focus on individual bosses and mix up their respective areas, but their respective looks and sometimes gameplay differences create a starker contrast than, say, finding a puzzle tape in RE7.

The cast of characters is also much more comedic, and yet nothing feels as absurdly funny as the newfound family tying you up to the chair and feeding you cockroaches and shit (possibly literal, who knows) while bickering among themselves.

Gameplay is more on-point than 7 with better exploration and rewards, but what really bummed me out is lack of DLC support.

After 7 had tons of game modes with varying gameplay styles some of which could've been their own games, 8 is lacking, and even its story DLC is spotty.

It's a great time overall, but in certain ways feels like a step down from an already somewhat imperfect 7.

Reviewed on Oct 27, 2023
