This is probably the Souls game with the best atmosphere, but I never really would choose to replay it over others due to its insistence on the single type of playstyle being the correct one.

When playing other From games, even King's Fields, I really like to experiment with builds and use various spells, but Bloodborne is a lot more limited. It feels more like a character action game, asking you to always parry and attack. As far as I'm aware your only choices really are just which weapon will you use for attack, as even equipment has been made insignificant.

I also wish Insight system would be more fully realized, as it only has about 2 actually important changes with other being atmospheric.

That said, it probably has some of the best enviroments and the best level design out of any From game, and I really hope they go back to this universe.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
