This is one of those games that would be one of the best for me. Unfortunately, I learned some things about it and had to lower the score.

I love doing Luck builds in Castlevania games! Igavania games are weird about their drops and it's fantastic. You can get coffee, or a suit, or a magic vacuum that steals souls - it's so interesting. I'm not into grinding into games, but Castlevanias are the only ones where weird stuf you get pushes me to kill an enemy a few more times. So I pretty much lost all interest in the game when I discovered that in this game, Luck stat is borked. How do you manage to do this?!

Dawn of Sorrow is even more reliant on enemy soul drops than its predeccessor. Not only do you get cool abilities, and need them to progress sometimes, but also you need souls to craft better weapons.

So I went through the majority of the game getting steamrolled because I refused to switch out my Dancer Soul and my dumb 777 shirt, which, turns out, was all for nothing, since getting past 36 Luck gives you like a 0.001% bonus every level and Dancer souls don't even raise the luck that counts towards the appearance of souls. What.

Reviewed on Jul 23, 2023
