Felvidek is as awkward as a third intervention.

The good elements here are extremely good: presentation in the overworld, combat, and cutscenes is uniquely excellent. Pair that with my current pick for OST of 2024 and you've got a game with a hell of a vibe.

Writing is a mixed bag. Dialog is generally quite good, and periodically laugh out loud funny, but the plot is thin and mostly exists to take you from setpiece to setpiece. There is a message to the whole thing and it respects the player enough to figure it out, but deep it ain't.

Then there's the combat, which sucks. Like full stop. Fights are brainless from start to finish. You either have resources and are unstoppable, or you don't and you aren't. Reload save and prep correctly this time, bozo. It's especially sad because every aesthetic choice made around combat is basically perfect. Fights are frequent, though sometimes skippable, and you will find yourself wishing more were.

It's a shame because the rest of what's here is solid. The amount of side content is much higher than most games this rubs elbows with, so if you vibe with this and feel like investigating everywhere you will be rewarded. Non-RPG Maker enjoyers look elsewhere, this one's for us freaks.

Reviewed on Apr 06, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago

Ended up writing a full review of this one: https://pixeldie.com/2024/04/10/felvidek-review-pc/