Log Status






Time Played

3h 0m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

December 29, 2023

First played

November 18, 2023


I love beat em ups, one of my favorite genres, but I had to put this one down. It looks great, gives me massive SNK vibes, it controls solidly enough. I just didn't like how repetitive it got which is funny because most people that diss on the genre say that's their reasoning for not enjoying it as a whole.

There are some command inputs and combos you can dish out which do feel satisfying but a good chunk of enemies you end up facing just feel like they're impervious to what you can do. Can't grab, can't block. It's a very barebones single player beat em up. The level design was also dogshit because it just has a bunch of "gotcha!" obstacles that immediately knock you down. It overall felt very cheap (which made me put cheat codes on to go through it) but I just wasn't having fun regardless of that. This feels like one of those beat em ups you need patience for and that just goes against what I love about the genre.

Maybe the remaster does touch up a few things to make this game a more worthwhile playthrough (I know it has co-op & widescreen) but as things are now I didn't care for this game and have no plans on finishing it either.