It's not a "Far Cry" game. It's Crysis 0.

Although it doesn't feel modern anymore, this is still a great shooter. There is a deadly precision to the gun mechanics, and the graphics were state of the art for their time. The story and voice acting are terrible, but they have a certain 80s action movie charm that's not out of place.

Whereas the Far Cry series became known for its open world gameplay from 2 onward, the original Far Cry is not an open world. It's a linear corridor shooter, except the "corridor" is about a mile wide. This gives you the freedom to approach objectives from a variety of angles, while still providing a nice linear progression that maintains narrative momentum.

One thing though: this game is really quite difficult by today's standards, and long-range stealth is essential. The higher difficulty settings aren't very satisfying to play, because they mostly involve just cheesing the enemy AI. Compounding the challenge, the game works on a checkpoint system, and quicksaving is disabled unless you hack it back in.

I'll always have a fondness for this game, as it's literally the first thing I played after finally getting a new desktop PC in the summer of 2007. This, along with Portal, brought me back to PC gaming.

Reviewed on Oct 29, 2022
