Sic Parvis Magna. Greatness from small beginnings.

Uncharted is a riproaring popcorn flick in video game form, but there's too much shooting. The enemies are bullet sponges who turn into freaking Neo from the Matrix when you miss the headshot. Aiming is agonizingly slow. You spend an unnecessary amount of time scavenging for ammo off dead bodies.

They should have mixed up the action some more by having more hand-to-hand (gunless) combat and stealth sections (which is precisely what they did in the sequel). As it is, the constant gun battles get tiresome even as the rest of the game shines.

It affects the plot, too. When you finally get to the library and unlock the secret underground vault that hasn't been opened in 400 years, what do you find? More bad guys of course, who have already set up Klieg lights and are patrolling the place. The demands of the shooter gameplay mean that you just can't escape the bad guys. So Drake's little diary and everything are all kind of pointless; the bad guys are one step ahead of you the whole way (kind of like Raiders of the Lost Ark, which is a major inspiration).

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2022
