Is Uncharted 1 a great game? Ehhh….

I mean, it’s fun. It’s really fun, and that counts for a lot. The problems I have with it are mainly that there are too many tedious gunfights, and the environment traversal, although gorgeously cinematic, is shallow.

The sequels are a massive improvement. The fundamentals are all exactly the same, but the subtle refinements make things so much more fun.

They mix up the combat by adding more opportunities for stealth and melee. Now there are chances to use stealth and melee even after a big gunfight has broken out.

The gunfights are also much more varied and interesting. First of all, they’re much more dynamic. Whereas the first game mainly consisted of these large shooting arenas, where you’re mainly pinned down in a fixed location as multiple waves of enemies come to get you, in Uncharted 2 & 3, there are many gunfights that play out on the move, where you’re making your way through a complex environment, taking out enemies along the way.

They also constantly throw something new into the mix to keep things interesting. Whether it’s a shootout on a runaway train, an attack helicopter, a tank, or jacked-up yeti things, no two gunfights are exactly alike.

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2022
