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This game will put you through 7 years of emotional distress and at the same time captivate you long enough to keep coming back.

Gameplay ranges from making you wanna refund the game before realizing now you're past the refund date, to "Oh my god I just did 200 damage in one turn I am literally so cracked at this game" (Floor of language moment) And on a genuine note even if you find the gameplay a hollowing experience I near guarantee you'll stick around for the plot

I can't recommend this game to anyone who doesn't like deck building though cause by midgame you're gonna be getting butt piped by every minor enemy if you don't learn some builds.

In short this is the worst game I've ever played and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy it's singlehandedly ruined my mental state and I regret buying it 10/10 Binah is my one and true love