This game has really low lows, but the highs are so good that they make the game genuinely pretty fun for me lol

I didn't even like the game the first time I played it, but getting good and exploring the levels made me start to enjoy myself on even the levels I didn't, and it helps that I played the new update.

The actual core gameplay is ridiculously fun, especially with Shadow, who can use his Chaos Dash to skip huge sections of the level, and it's awesome.

There are these plane sections that are the worst thing ever, but I'm probably never going to touch them again.

Can't blame anyone for not liking it though, deaths can absolutely be unfair, it can be unclear what to do, some parts are just plainly poorly designed, and some parts are just awful, but when this game is at its peak, GODDAMN.

The visuals are pretty decent, better than Frontiers at the very least lol, feels like a 2014-15 Sonic game to come out in a world without a Lost World.

The OST is full of absolute bops.

The story is hilariously bad, like, it's genuinely the funniest thing ever, it's so bad.

Bosses are both really good and bad, there are some stinkers, but the good ones are really cool, despite their jank, lack of telegraphing, unfair hitboxes, etc., they're just satisfying to play.

I dunno, I'm not going to argue with someone who doesn't like it, hell, I BARELY like it, but as someone who goes back to games that I don't like, this one definitely gets more fun on replays, and I will absolutely come back to its peak moments.

I can't explain it, but it feels to good to play a difficult Sonic game, even if that difficulty is BS the time.

I don't recommend it if you don't plan on replaying to get good, hell, I recommend Frontiers WAY more than this game, but I have more reason to come back to Omens.

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2023
