copying my steam review:

Already dropped about 220 or so hours on my Switch version, getting all the best Monsters and maxing out their bingo-sheets fully optimized and 2-stared on every gene. Now I'm finally wrapping up the PC version and caught up now. I'm basing my review content-wise on what I've already done on the Switch version (pretty much everything bar a few irrelevant subquests) and the performance is based on what I've seen so far with my own eyes starting at launch day (made it to the second Anjanath sighting) and then today (Made it to the end of Rutoh Village so far).

The game is, really good! Simple and easy at first but eventually the difficulty doesn't come from playing RPS, but rather kinship management, gene placement (so you can actually WIN those HtHs often and deal damage), and the timing for healing (not healing at the right time if you need another heart or to top off CAN get you wiped). The story I really couldn't personally care for. It's not bad by any measure (the plot "twist" kinda sucked and was unpredictable for bad reasons but, it's not TERRIBLE at least), I'm just saying I didn't care for it since its not why I bought this game. For fans of the first game, the story is probably amazing to you since it's filled with characters from the previous title and a few cheeky references. As much as I can appreciate the love and care done, it's not why I bought this time. For someone taking their time and grinding monsters out, and getting average and acceptable genes for the sake of progress, I finished the main story in about 60 hours (10+ hours were from the demo alone). I bought this game knowing the majority of my time playing this game would be in the post-game and its content. I was correct. I love the gameplay loop, I love the Super Rare tickets I can do with friends, I like the trials MUCH MORE than the Tower from the first game, and the overall gene editing as well. Even if I couldn't appreciate the QoL improvements made in this game coming out of the first game (causing me to NEVER look back), I'd still wind up in love this with game enough to play through it (and pay for it) two separate times. I do miss being able to easily change monster elements, but I don't mind it as much as I was expecting. The monster selection in this game is pretty neat, and the future roadmap is 100% going to keep me coming back monthly to catch up and try out all the new stuff (although I'm expecting one of the things to kinda suck I'm ngl). It's nothing 900IQ or anything but, it's not dumb either. It's just nice casual fun, which I think I've needed after playing a ton of minmaxy and hardcore games I've been diving into for thousands of hours the past few years. The attention to detail and the love put into this game is NOT unnoticed (example: using the Ice Armor move on Velkhana gives it it's ice armor form from Iceborne when it enrages). It's not perfect, and it doesn't actually have to be. It's pretty damn close though.

This game was raided with negative reviews on the launch day this game had. I have zero exaggeration when I say this: none of it was even correct lmao. Like cumon, if you're gonna exaggerate stuff to try and make this game look bad, at least base it in truth to make it LOOK honest. People were claiming they were using top of the line specs and they were encountering stuttering, frame dips, the works. I'm running this game on a Rysen 3600 and a 1660 Super and I can play this game at MAX settings and at 144fps smoothly with zero problems, even when a lot is happening on the screen at once. There's ZERO way people were having this many issues with the game. Really now? Keyboard controls were maybe KINDA awkward? Man, using KBM on a Monster Hunter game? That sounds like a goooood idea. This is like lambasting a Souls game in its entirety for not feeling as good on KBM as it does on controller. And to top it off, it was people complaining about the simple character creation when it came to these controls. You can run this game on a potato, and as long as you know where you W, A, S, and D keys are on your keyboard you can figure out how to play this game. This thing is optimized insanely well, and the controls.... well if you can't afford a controller then you better get used to using right click to rotate that camera, bc it really ain't THAT bad. TLDR: Anyone complaining about performance with GOOD hardware 100% has issues with their PC that are not related to the game, and they should get that stuff checked out ASAP because this game is optimized insanely well. Please check your parts if you claim your 2070 Super cant hit 60 fps because something is VERY wrong and it is NOT on the game's end.

TL;DR: Bulldrome rarely drops its own parts in 144fps, good game. Worth at full price, which means on sale it's even more worth getting.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2024
