102 Reviews liked by WeaselOnaStick

If The Last Clockwinder has taught me anything it's just how wrong all the coaches were that tried to recruit me to sports teams in school cuz I can't throw or catch for shit apparently

I have this bitch on an actual cartridge it's heavenly

i stood still in one hallway and my nose started bleeding

for a buck i have no complaints, it's like inscryption lite!

feels like a psyop made by one of those mobile game companies to show you how boring those ad games would actually be if they were real

Consider your Larrys found.

Short and sweet point-and-click game that can be finished under 30 minutes. As a fan of germfood's rancid art direction I'm always happy to see more of their stuff in action - just look at that sweet box art.

The gameplay loop consists of (you guessed it) finding not-Waldo in a crowd of hundreds of people. Trees and houses and other folk are going to obstruct your view, so you are given the option to spin the 3D environment by 90°, though I'd argue this feature has not been optimised to its full potential as I barely had to use it.

The actual finding portion of the game is not all that hard, but I do appreciate germfood's fun use of gameplay mechanics woven into the narrative, already seen in Night of the Consumers. The unconventional and at times gross aesthetics mixed with a comically absurd overarching plot, gives a unique and entertaining experience. It's a nice change of pace, and the reason why I still love playing small indie games.

For what it is (considering the price as well) it's def worth to check out. I'll find him again.

say hi because hello is complicated enough

whatever, it’s my mental illness

i dont have a sister so its okay, right?

It's kino (waiting for episode 3)

beyond rejecting the idea a game can't cover taboo topics (if you think a game can't discuss cannibalism or incest but can depict gory murder without issue - you need to reanalyze your axioms), this game also is just fantastically written, with strong dialogue, a cohesive and beautiful art style and very good music to back it up. an objectively good game being weighed down by outrage.