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1 day

Last played

June 8, 2019

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Hold on, are you telling me they made a Final Fight 2? But the first was was supposed to be the FINAL fight!

Fans of the first game may be very pleased to know that virtually nothing has changed between the first and second outing. At least in no meaningful way that I can tell, because as soon as I turned this on it put my brain to sleep.

Okay, okay, I'm being a bit hyperbolic. The bosses are a lot less aggravating to fight, and I suppose that's nice, but it still doesn't stop the game from becoming incredibly samey very fast. Capcom's beat-em-ups on console never quite rose to the same heights as Konami, but to be fair the same is true of their arcade counterparts. By being an entirely at-home game by design, however, Final Fight 2 can't blame its bland gameplay on a poor, scaled back conversion. Yet again you'll face every enemy and their respective variants pretty early into the game, and yet again everything moves at such a sluggish pace that I found it incredibly difficult to stay invested, let alone awake.

I guess this is an alright game if you have a podcast to listen to and you need to do something with your hands that isn't sinful. Otherwise, I can't imagine coming back to this one. It doesn't nothing for me. I feel nothing. I desire only non-existence.