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1 day

Last played

November 25, 2019

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Star Wars was always this big cultural phenomenon, but there did exist a point in time between the original trilogy and the prequels where you could actually take a god damn breath before hearing about more awful Star Wars shit. Now days there's a new controversy every single week. Actors regularly get death threats, and ~content creators~ are profiting off a cottage industry built entirely around being Mad About Star Wars.

Back in my day, the only time I ever saw someone throwing a fit over Star Wars was because they kept dying in the cantina in Super Star Wars. These were better times. We were more civilized then.

I had pretty limited exposure to the Super Star Wars trilogy, having mostly screwed around in them at a friend's house back in the day. I think I rented Return of the Jedi once along with an SNES and just used cheat codes to experience as much of the game as I could. I always had a hell of a time with them. They're hard games and I don't think there's any shame in admitting that.

Coming back to Super Star Wars as an adult, it's every bit as much of a pain in the ass as I remember. No less, no more. The sort of game you turn on and five minutes in find yourself saying "oh right, this bullshit." Enemies flood the screen, respawn rates are absolutely insane, hazards are placed too close together making a lot of jumps inherently unsafe... But I still kinda like it. For as cheap as it is, the game still feels pretty good to play, and when you do end up clearing a level there's a real sense of accomplishment that goes along with it. It's one of those games where forward progress is made because you don't want to let the game beat you, where you "get good" out of sheer obstinance, if not outright hatred.

However, I do question whether my fondness for Super Star Wars is based primarily in nostalgia or not. I certainly see its many faults, but had I not played this back in 90s maybe it would be easier to dismiss it entirely, call it a bad game and move on. Yet, I can't. I still come back to this one regularly, and every time I do it finds some way to piss me off. Just like Star Wars.