Mega Man Legends is one of those games I find impossible to talk about without treading a whole lot of well-worn ground. Everyone knows about this game, everyone has an opinion, everyone loves Tron Bonne and wants to take Data home with them and dress them up with like, cute little hats. You see a copy of Mega Man Legends and you just want to give it a kiss, this is a perfectly normal and healthy reaction.

"It's just like playing an OVA," absolutely. 100% correct. It's wholesome, it's charming, it fills you with warmth, and even if you're playing it for the first time today, I'm sure it will stir some fuzzy feeling of nostalgia in you. The setting, story, and characters are just perfect, and the art style has spawned a near infinite supply of imitators, especially now that we're firmly in the era of people making games and basing their whole artistic profile around evoking PS1 era graphics. This is not a criticism, I love how this game looks, how it sounds, and how it feels steeping myself in its world.

For as immaculate and pure as Legends presentation is, the gameplay feels remarkably flat. A lot of dull, boxy corridors and unengaging enemy encounters really drag down the parts of the game where you're not bummin around town and helping people with their problems. Mega Man also feels a bit too stiff, and I blame all of this on the fact that it's a game from 1997. For better and for worse, there was a lack of homogony at this time, which meant there was no real standard for how to design this sort of game, and it ends up feeling a bit clunky as a result. You can kick the shit out of that can, though.

I can't hold that against Legends too much, but it does firmly root it into category of "games I gel with but don't like playing." I'd say there's a concerning amount of those at this point, but I also play a lot of video games. I'm in my 30s and I live alone, what else am I going to do? I guess I could look up the voice actors in this game, see what they've been up to. That sounds like fun!

Uh... uh oh... oh no! TEISEL, NO!!!

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2023


1 year ago

This is my 300th review.
300 bangers

now i'm scared to look up what the voice actors did

1 year ago

@Appreciations - Psh, they're fine, I guess.

You should. The coolest and my most favorite part of the story is the fact that they're dead.
I did not expect that!