Heavy Rain 2010

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

October 13, 2021

First played

October 11, 2021

Platforms Played


Heavy Rain is a poorly written game with a poor voice cast, convoluted and messy controls, and an altogether drab environment.

This is without a doubt the worst game I've experienced from David Cage and Quantic Dream, which is good because that means with Beyond Two Souls and Detroit Become Human that there has been some serious growth.

None of the characters in this game were likeable or enjoyable to listen to, and sounded like they were being coerced to read their lines. The "SHAUUUN" and "JASOOOOON" memes don't do how bad that line is actually delivered, like it sounds EVEN WORSE in the game, especially with how prevalent it is. Scott sounded unmotivated and preterrbed with every new character he conversed with, Madison sounded like she was bored, and Ethan Mars just sounded... lame?

The mystery and narrative in this game isn't compelling either, nothing within the newfound plot points or unveiled story sequences make me feel like I'm closer to solving the mystery, and I sure didn't every feel motivated to go on to the next chapter.

Gameplaywise this game is also a mess, with the most mind numbing button press sequences imaginable. Want to press four buttons to sneak under some wire? This is your game. Want to pick up a flower? Better be ready to mash x and y while also holding right bumper and left trigger.

Seriously, this game misses on just about every account.