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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

October 31, 2022

First played

October 30, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I mean it's alright...

I took advantage of the DLC and replayed the entire Village campaign in third person, it didn't really add too much to my previous experience other than taking some of the "scare" out of the game, which was kind of interesting in an of itself. That being said though, you can tell this game was 100% intended for a first person perspective and a lot of the self discovery between story beats didn't hit quite as hard, not really close. Other moments like traversal on foot and in the boat felt a little awkward, especially the latter which didn't feel like it was animated correctly for the third person perspective. It was fun replaying the game though as this is easily my favorite RE entry and took a quick six hours to complete. I streamed it for friends and it was a good time, made even moreso by the third person perspective's lack of fear factor, making it spectator friendly for the non-horror inclined. RE8 is a fantastic game, but I think the new camera perspective removes a good bit of what makes the game "special."

After beating the campaign again I moved onto the Shadows of Rose DLC and I expected, something better honestly. Revisiting the locations from the first two bosses of the main game is on paper okay, but didn't feel very fun in the expansion. Even though you've got different objectives and the enemies you're fighting/dealing with are not the same as in base Village, the entire loop and locations repeat which makes it feel like a rehashed experience. Rose is an interesting character and I'd love to see more out of her in the RE franchise, but I felt that the story didn't do her character justice. Maybe I had the wrong expectations going in but this wasn't as fun for me as RE7's "Not a Hero" DLC which was short, but fundamentally different from the main game. My takeaway is more like mine for "End of Zoe" was, which also re-used a lot of the same scenery and gameplay loop, but to a far lesser extent than Shadows of Rose. I really digged some of the horror elements (like the mannequins that were Doctor Who-esque) and would love to see Rose again in a scenario like that, but that may be wishful thinking.

In all, I would recommend this to RE8 fans for some closure, but only if they are adament that they'd like more.