Slovakia.. err, Hungary? Never felt so good!

Felvidek is a peculiar and particular JRPGMaker game with a runtime of four or so hours in which a playable priest and drunkard soldier find themselves embroiled in a multi-faceted religious-political conspiracy. I'll be honest the moment to moment plot and overarching narrative of this game were increasingly hard for me to follow as time went on, largely in part due to the long-winded speeches that site antiquated medieval European histories and faiths, but from what I was able to parse it was a fairly captivating tale. The conversational humor is tragically silly, and the fate of many characters is what you'd expect in a comedic 15th century title.

Where the game waned for me was in a randomness of difficulty. There is no levelling system, and I can't fault the devs here because the game is short, but you run out of ways to really bolster your character pretty early. You gain a few items that will make your party stronger by the means of armor, weapons, and buffs that permanantly boost your stats, but that takes enough time to kick in for early fights to hurt. Most encounters are short and enemies don't have too much health, but early on you'll feel the pain of just about everything. As you advance in the game and get new party members and a few items, things feel very doable as long as you have the coin to purchase items to spam during and after fights. There's a few times where you're locked into fighting with no way to gain back your health/mana equivalent and it felt a little unbalanced.

In all Felvidek is a mostly-forgettable Hylics-Like unless you're really looking for a walkthrough of Eastern Europe in the 15th Century with some neat visuals and music.

Reviewed on May 21, 2024
