Ain't that a kick in the head?

Fallout New Vegas was almost too successful at what it was: The outcast. Developed by Obsidian entertainment rather than Bethesda I was curious if it would end up being as good as Fallout 3 or the last few Elder Scrolls games, but I think it's safe to say it blew all expectations out of the water.

What we got with Fallout New Vegas was the most unique Fallout game in the franchise's history. Las Vegas and the surrounding area was almost perfect for what Fallout is, both are: wacky, zany, a little off kilter, and offer themselves for some very interesting happenings. Running through the Nevada countryside and coming across all the colorful characters of the NCR, Caesars Legion, and standard NPC's felt so appropriate for how the game was built, it was almost too perfect.

Players, in typical Fallout/Elder Scrolls fashion, were led to craft their own stories and make their own decisions across the Mojave. Story happened on the players' own time and the experiences they had looting and pillaging added so much to the overall experience. Again sidequests and NPC interactions reigned supreme and rummaging through the Strip and the city of Las Vegas held endless possibilities. Another appreciated piece was the ability to choose from four different endings that were all vastly different from eachother, I think this was the first game I'd ever played four times to get every single ending on different characters.

Reviewed on Aug 20, 2021
