The game that started it all, the greatest space opera.

Mass Effect 1 in retrospect can seem short and scant, but at the time Bioware was doing exactly what it had been doing in the Western RPG scene in creating an innovative an immersive world with deep lore and powerful stories. While combat and UI were simple, the story and relationships built within your squad were unlike anything that was available on the market.

Beginning as a newbie Commander Shepard felt GREAT in 2007 and as time and sequels came, felt more and more vindictive. The lore team at Bioware did an impeccable job building out stories and sensical scenarios for tons of intergalactic races. It felt like there is no stone left unturned into why a certain race behaves X way in ME1 or why species Y and Z dislike eachother. Mass Effect (and the games following) is probably the only game where I've intentionally read every codex entry for lore because I was that invested in it.

The story of the Reapers and Saran is only just the start of one of the greatest fictitious universes in any medium ever made.

Reviewed on Aug 21, 2021
