Okay sidenote, I just wish that Mass Effect 3 had the same UI.

Mass Effect 2 is the perfect example of Godfather syndrome, not only being better than its predecessor but being one of the best games ever made. Bioware wins again in continuing one of the most in depth and captivating sci-fi universes across gaming, film and TV.

Shepard begins fresh with a different alleigance, with different allies and new enemies. He meets familiar faces, but how do they feel about him now that he's switched sides, will they listen to his pleas and help him in the name of the galaxy? The beautiful thing about ME2 is that none of these answers are clear or predictable, you make friends with some despicable people and say some incredibly tough goodbyes. The added squadron members like Jack, Miranda, Legion, Samara, and more are all welcome. One might think that with as many characters as ME2 has that some might be forgettable, but that is simply not the case (okay there is Jacob.) Everyone on your squadron has a degree of depth that sets them apart from their peers, they all have unique backgrounds and offer something new to the table. Getting to know them and come to their aid in the Loyalty missions was a great storytelling and teambuilding tool.

It seems like everybody knows how this game ends (hint: it's with a bang) but I won't divulge in the interest of spoiler but I will say it delivers one of the most breathtaking and nerve wracking finales I've ever witnessed.

Reviewed on Aug 21, 2021
