John Marston's life as a cowboy is one filled with tragedy and sadness, yet the experience the player has riding through the southwestern United States and northern Mexico is one filled with great excitement and joy. I played RDR when it first came out so I cannot speak on current visuals/gameplay but at the time it was an absolutely fantastic journey to experience, something I surely had never done before.

Rockstar in both RDR and RDR2 show that even though the story of cowboy's is nothing new, that an original story filled with fantastic writing can rejuvinate the genre and make you laugh and cry. John Marston is a tortured soul who is prodded by the government of the United States to turn his guns on those who he used to call brothers, why does he do it? He has no choice in the kill or be killed wild west.

The music and setting carefully crafted by Rockstar makes you feel like you're really a cowboy riding the deserts and forests of the west in search of a brighter future, whatever that may entail for the damned.

Reviewed on Aug 23, 2021
